Wednesday, August 17, 2016

                                                     Gender Differences and Probations 

We have notice the increase of female offenders in our prison systems. According to the BJS the United States female offender population was 410,300 individuals and in 1997 the population was 895,300 female offenders (Jespersen 2006). The criminal jusstice system was not exspecting this large percentage increase of female offenders over the next decade and the result of this increase their has been problematic issues of the facilities and treatment avaiable to women. Gender differences are startm=ting to be acknowledged in the criminal justice system on how a female versus a male respond t treatment. The tupe of supportive nevironments for a female versus a male are different in order to have a succesful treatment. Women generally care more about their social dynamic and acceptance into a group, where the male population wants dominances and superiority from a group. The segreagtion of race within the supportive groups has not changed due the relations and similarities in culture and family dynamics. The social factors have a strong direct relationship with social groups in the prison populations, but gender differnces a newly being discussed on what programs should be avaible for either gender and the effectiveness those proograms. 

Gender differences is a topic I wanted to bring up this week due to the interesting pieces we have been discussing about toxic masculinities and how there also might be toxic feminity. How does the social realtion vary from masculinity and feminity? What types of problems do females need to address versus males? How do intersex offenders choose what type of program would be most beneficial to them? 

This was an interesting topic I thought for me to bring up through our discussions the last two weeks about how what we got out of this class. Honestly, this was one of the most significant problems I saw with the relations of toxic masculinity. It made me think more and more about the lack of programs for women. They are victimized more, scutinized for dominance and social control, and the tpes of crime women commit versus men can be statistically examined, which means it woud be difficut for a man to relte to a women's isues of why she committed ceratin crimes. Also through another particular discussion in a Menatal illness class that certain mental illness are more prone to women than men. For example, depression and anxiety mental disorders are more common in females than they are in males (Carlson, 2013). What type of programs are out their that could help females with depression while incarcerated or on probation?
Here is a video: Women Incarceration

This post is supposed to be my last for this quarter an I wanted to make it interesting so please tell me your thoughts to my questions and commet below!
Carlson, Neil R. 2013. Foundations of behavioral neuroscience. 9th ed. Boston: Pearson.

Treatment Efficacy for Female Offenders. Jespersen, Ashley BA. Lethbridge Undergraduate Research Journal. Volume 1 Number 1. 2006.

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