Tuesday, August 16, 2016

                                Community Corrections and Male Offender Treatments
                                Here is a link to an explation Sex Offender Treatment

Community interventions and police involvement in our communities has turned to a negative path lately, We all study and learn about police dominance, and community concerns of law enforcemnent, but there hould also be a media coverage on all the things the majorityof the police force is accomplishing. Continuously, we have been discussing about the law enforcement aspects of  community involvement, but lets look at the probation involvement as well. Community Corrections Officers and policy makers work around the clock to ensure our community are safe and the offenders in out communitties stay out of trouble. In the state of Washington there is an ncrease of male sex offender population, which currently takes about 20 percent of our offender popuation.

Sex offenders are people who have committed sexual assault, sexaul harrassment, rape, and sexual abuse. Usually women are the victims of sex crime. sex traffiking, prostitution, and sexual abuse. This puts men a higher percentage of sex offenders than women. Sex offenders have to compllete reatment in and outside of prisons. These programs are essential to prevent recidavism or continuos sex offenses. Those who complete sex treatment are less likely to reoffend although reoffending does occur with those at higher risk levels more frequently.

Programs of treatment for sex offenders must be done through the DOC and superviory teams of the external stakeholder that work with the DOC to endure our communities are safer for everyone. We have to acknowledge that there are always going to be crimial offenders,but if we can pevent recidavism then more treatment programs should be avaiable. Treatment programs for sex offneders give the support groupd they need to discuss their behaviors and learn how to no commit sex offenses. Nw there are those who do not care about sex offenses and they are considered higher levels of reoffending and often spent the rest of life incarerated.

Treatment programs are superised by the probation officers and the treatment provider who work directly with each other. Probation officers have guidelines and onditions for each offender to prevent them from reoffending, but sometimes it is not effective. probaton officer work heavily with many agencies and learn so much information  about  treaments and the complexities of the criminal justice system that often I think that it is important that I think we should make it a requirement for all law enfoement and DOC agencies to have a program to learn about the effectiveness of treatment and how they prevent further crime by knowing what may cause crime.

Schrock, D. P., & Padavic, I. (2007). Negotiating Hegemonic Masculinity in a Batterer Intervention Program. Gender & Society, 21(5), 625-649. doi:10.1177/0891243207304975

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