Monday, July 18, 2016

                                                                     We Need Women Now Too! 

                                            What do people really think about probation officers?

Walk in their shoes for a day and you will never think the same. Some of the things these officres see in a day is more than you will ever see in your lifetime. Probation officers see the people in our community that n one else wants to deal with. Probation officers keep our communitties safe and help those who are overlooked on a daily basis. Walk in Her Shoes

Law enforcement is a man's world, but with the increase of women incarceration the last thirty years there has been a need to increase in women correctional, probation, and police officers. The criminal justice system was not equipped for the high increase in a few short years of women's increase into the criminal justice system, which challenges the patriarchal position of criminal justice professions.
Law Enforcement careers duties have a masculine stance in our communitye as the heros, the protectors, and the role models. Women are challenging that position, but are still disproportionate to the majority of law enforcement agencies.

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